My Phone Heart
Wish I could just Shazam random people and find out who they are, and what they are like. Apparently the great migration is going to materialise when your stupid little phone will have an extreme app that’ll do all things at once.
For instance, I’m done with the chaos of the night. The wakefulness, and the warnings that you should not stare at your phone in the dark, if you’re trying to sleep.
The wars that are going to be won on the phone, at bedtime, are the wars of the heart. I’m really tired of ideology at 3am. Otherwise, I don’t mind helping out a friend who has fallen off the wagon in the middle of the night.
I actually went to rescue someone who had lost the love of his life. It was like an oil painting - a picture of a man on the edge, starting at a smart phone, at a bar counter in dim light.
If I lose my mind completely, in my old age, let me keep my phone. Then, even if I don’t have any more friends, I will have one enemy left.