I'm not the nude guy
Sex is not overrated, because it’s just as necessary as going to the loo. Which means it’s good for one’s health, and every now and then it comes out wrong.
I have forgiven myself for not making art about sex. Late nights in the studio can be stimulating enough, without having to be overwhelming. Sunrise in the studio can be overwhelming enough, without having to be over-stimulating. Like rats or cockroaches, sex thrives where nothing else can live.
Just about every sculptor has used old shop-window mannequins for nudes. I was the same, although my inclination was to rip them apart. Or to deface them.
The nude itself does not invite violence. It’s the society that brings violence down upon the nude.
I walked past a shop in the mall, and was startled to see a row of stark naked women staring back at me. Their blatant perfection was almost offensive. Perhaps they were just plaster casts of someone’s family member, and in their casting they contributed to the month’s rent or electricity.
I prefer to see the mundane in the exceptional, than to see an opportunity in everything.