Pigs can Fly
We are all looking for ourselves. I don’t say that we are lost but the signs on the highway tell us our destination, but not our current position.
On the highway there’s a billboard for some debt collector that says, ‘Let us get the debt,’ and not much else except a phone number. It made me sad.
I thought about the endless spam calls for debt management that some people must get. When I was young I once worked in a call centre and it was like having a part in a zombie movie, where the only thing the zombies can do is talk. And talk, and talk.
The next billboard had a Halloween theme, since it’s coming up. Big bright snakes and sour monster-blobs are marketed to “brats”. Honestly, I don’t know what’s more poignant: not being able to pay you way, or the desire for cheap sour junk that hurts your mouth.
The next billboard was for an insurance company, and the payoff line there was something like #liveyourbestlife … and the cars pass, and the people wonder if they will ever live their best lives on this earth.
I found some happy socks at the barber. They had pigs with wings on them. I nearly bought them, but then I realised that I don’t want to give anyone false hope. Pigs can’t fly.