Junk shops are mind spaces
Junk shops are mind spaces it’s no wonder the world has gone mad for thrifting. If someone told you Venice was really sinking wouldn’t you head down to St Mark’s Basilica for a couple of old candlesticks?
I went looking for used shop signs and there was a sad-looking butchery board showing cuts of meat but nothing decorative. That’s the point about everything, it can be old but it must still be nice. God help us if we don’t look good doing nothing in a corner once we reach our sell-by date
The amount of cheap broken garden furniture people chuck out at the end of summer is a sad testimony to how disposable our lifestyle really is. Seems like outdoor chairs are now manufactured to last one season only.
Petrol stations are like little boy’s toys. Like Barbie doll houses for big guys with real cars. In the junk shop I found a child’s run down plastic petrol station with one of the pumps broken off and a mechanical car lift missing a wheel ramp. I know the kid must have had loads of fun messing that toy up completely. I hope he is old now and full of good memories only.
It’s a strange feeling buying something already broken. It could be like adopting a pet that’s had a traumatic childhood, and now it’s down to you to fix it.
The trouble is that we spend too much time thinking “hasta La vista baby” and deferring positivity, when we should be spreading it without breaking promises.