Dirty money don't touch
Compassion arises when the diamond of the mind rests in the flower of the heart.
This beautiful Buddhist saying is obviously about the way we have to reconcile our two parts. The thinking head and the struggling body always seem to be at war, so we have to find a way they can live together.
Generally, I can’t stand machines that take or give money. In parking lots I have a real hatred of electronic pay-on-exit parking systems because they are inhuman, and take cash for no service in particular.
ATMs can’t really do anything besides open and close. They are to be avoided at all costs. Money is dirty and should not be touched.
Knives and forks are okay I guess. They work well together. This week I noticed a very old person who had forgotten how to use them. It was sad. The parts of experience had drifted, and there was a huge gulf in between. What was left was only emptiness and silence.