Time to leverage opportunities
Time to leverage opportunities. By which I mean, time to plan no plan. I’m sorry to sound abstract about it, but a vacant head is a mind just waiting to be filled.
I dream I’m at an airport. As a dreamscape an airport isn’t bad. It’s a blank canvas. In other words you are heading out of your life, and as the dreamer (main protagonist) it’s your duty to decide where, why and who with.
Oops though.
Turns out, in the dream my co-traveler is concealing a banned substance in their hand luggage. And it’s time to go through the gate. And I am hella nervous. I look around and cannot see anyone I know besides the desperado with drugs in his bag.
People are passing, heading for the gate, that will take them to the plane and the sky beyond. I look for my friend, he looks back at me and we are shaken. I killed the dream, then and there.
The next day I was in the supermarket queue and I had to wait for someone who was doing their banking. Later, I went to the bank where I had to organise myself around someone who was getting their car license. Everything was all wrong.
I don’t know if it’s just my overwrought expectation, but I want my queues to correlate with the main mission of my business. In other words: banks should be for banking, supermarkets for buying supplies.
Oh, and I definitely don’t want drugs in my airport queue. Although I’m fine with non-denominational places of worship.