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Lies are like the drugs

Lies are like the drugs

Lies are like the drugs of the real world, you get high without having to put something into your mouth. In fact the high comes from something coming out your mouth instead.

Liars obviously get a thrill according to the size of the lie. Big lie equals big high. 

So then it’s just another form of addiction. Like gambling or drinking, compulsive liars hold off for as long as they can, before they just cannot hold it back any longer. They break into a shivering sweat of anticipation, they desperately wait for the moment of release and …pop! They tell the lie and they feel much better.

Strange to think that they sleep more comfortably at night according to the amount of junk that comes out of their mouths during the day. Lies are like fruit flies (intentional rhyme) — they hover in the air and look for a rotten opening for sickly sweet sustenance. 

In order for the lie to be a good lie it needs to entertain or disturb its audience. But most of all it needs to benefit its liar. Money is the best outcome. Prestige and reputation-building are a close second. 

Then finally there is the lie as the knife — the one told to inflict pain or harm to individuals or communities. Once the deed has been done the liar moves to the next frontier, looks around knowingly, finds a comfortable spot, sits, stares at its phone or greets a stranger nearby. 

The liar waits for a useful fool. The fool needs the liar. The lie needs both of them to survive. It’s like the middle of a zombie movie. The Zombie Liars are all around us. 

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