It’s a time of love in a cruel world
It’s a time of love in a cruel world. Every year, in the same week, the message is: well folks, we should be doing better. And then we do worse.
Love of God turns to hatred, of other people’s ideas of God. I don’t have to say it because it’s been in a thousand memes, but when you boil it down all the faiths do really profess the same thing. But then… one doesn’t have to finish the sentence.
For an artist it becomes difficult to create beauty of any kind, when ugliness reigns supreme. I’m almost inclined to say, let’s go back to a time when all art was about the battle of the soul for purity. And obedience to authority.
So I paid my outstanding traffic fines online. I thought, let’s begin by doing something that tells my conscience I’ve begun a process of healing. Then I looked for a petition to sign. I went hunting for a cause.
I found hundreds of names, of people in distress, concerned about other people in distress.
We’re good, I thought, there are so many little people with big hearts. And I’m happy to stand with them. I don’t think I found a cause I didn’t agree with. Even when the causes bumped up against each other.
And then I thought, you’re weak because you refuse to disagree. So I looked for some outstanding bills to pay. To make me feel a little better.
I may book a holiday, to a place where nobody has ever suffered. Find it.
Love of God turns to hatred, of other people’s ideas of God. I don’t have to say it because it’s been in a thousand memes, but when you boil it down all the faiths do really profess the same thing. But then… one doesn’t have to finish the sentence.
For an artist it becomes difficult to create beauty of any kind, when ugliness reigns supreme. I’m almost inclined to say, let’s go back to a time when all art was about the battle of the soul for purity. And obedience to authority.
So I paid my outstanding traffic fines online. I thought, let’s begin by doing something that tells my conscience I’ve begun a process of healing. Then I looked for a petition to sign. I went hunting for a cause.
I found hundreds of names, of people in distress, concerned about other people in distress.
We’re good, I thought, there are so many little people with big hearts. And I’m happy to stand with them. I don’t think I found a cause I didn’t agree with. Even when the causes bumped up against each other.
And then I thought, you’re weak because you refuse to disagree. So I looked for some outstanding bills to pay. To make me feel a little better.
I may book a holiday, to a place where nobody has ever suffered. Find it.