Is there any reason to go on holiday?
The fact that opposites attract is based on the terrible assumption that the grass is always greener on the other side. That’s the full expression. So, to put you in the picture: you’re sitting on the river’s edge. You look across the water only to find that the lawn on the far embankment looks more comfy than the patch you’re sitting on.
You jump into the water and swim across, dump yourself there only to find, oh no, the grass on the other side is equally as shit – prickly, yellow and as dry as the patch you just vacated.
So, maybe in your imagination it’s not a river it’s a road. In your mind you see that the grass is greener over the tarmac. You decide to cross the road and, tragedy strikes when a truck runs you down. And you never get to find out whether the grass was in fact greener on the other side. Your restless curiosity bordering on ambition was the cause of your downfall.
Or perhaps you’re one of the lucky ones and you get to cross the road, or swim over the river in safety. And there you gracefully recline on the opposite bank, in luxurious splendor, where the lawn is luscious and thick like a top of the range Sealy Posturepedic mattress.
Even so, once you are dozing off, where the grass is indeed greener on the other side, do you think that you will have left all your problems behind? You can DM me your answer because, really, it’s a question I just cannot answer for myself.